Sponsor Session Proposals

Apply to present a sponsor session at ACPE

ACPE has 10 sponsor sessions available for application. Unfortunately, we will have more applications than we have spots, so a board sub-committee will make selections using a rubric that rates the following criteria:

  1. Sponsor level;
  2. ACPE member co-presenter; and
  3. Topic relevance

The biggest advantage a sponsor has is to have an ACPE member co-present with you. Our membership enjoys hearing from both the sponsor and our peers.

The deadline for submissions is Friday, January 31. Only sponsors in good standing will be considered. The board subcommittee will meet the following week, and awarded sponsors will be notified the week of February 10.

All sessions will be 50 minutes in length.

Sponsor session selection is at the sole discretion of the ACPE Board, and decisions are final.

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