ACPE Sponsorship Terms and Conditions

The Association of Computer Professionals in Education (“ACPE”) shall have the sole authority to interpret and enforce such terms and conditions necessary for the orderly conduct of the annual conference and exhibit hall displays.

Code of Conduct. Sponsor, their employees and designated representatives all agree to comply with ACPE’s code of conduct. Violation of this code of conduct is grounds for immediate dismissal from the conference for either the offending persons, or the entire Sponsor contingent. All sponsor benefits may be suspended immediately and no refund will be given.

Indemnification. The Sponsor agrees to protect, save, and keep ACPE, its constituent members and board of directors, and the annual conference site facilities forever harmless from any and all damages or charges imposed for violation of any law or ordinance, whether occasioned by the negligence of the Sponsor or those holding under the Sponsor, as well as to strictly comply with applicable terms and conditions contained in agreements between the annual conference site facilities, the legal entities who own, lease and/or operate the facilities.

Liability for Loss and Damage. The Sponsor assumes complete responsibility and liability for all loss, damage, or destruction of the property of the exhibit, the Sponsor’s guests and all property of the annual conference site facilities used by the Sponsor or brought upon the annual conference site facility premises on behalf of the Sponsor.

  • The Sponsor also assumes full responsibility and liability for all injury to any and all persons or property in any way connected with the Sponsor’s display caused by the Sponsor, his or her agents, representatives, or employees.
  • The Sponsor indemnifies and agrees to hold harmless the ACPE, its constituent members and executive board, the annual conference site facilities, their members, officers, directors, and employees against any and all liability whatsoever arising from any or all damage to property or personal injury or loss caused by the Sponsor or the Sponsor’s agents, representative, employees, or any other persons.
  • It is the responsibility of the Sponsor to arrange shipping with the event coordinator ACPE has designated for the conference. Lost or stolen items are the responsibility of the Sponsor, and the Sponsor must coordinate with the event coordinator. ACPE, the board, and its members are not responsible for items belonging to the Sponsor while in transit or while at the ACPE conference event.

Use of Sponsor Logos. ACPE may make use of the company name, logo and or related marketing preference media for ACPE Conference promotions, publications printed or online at or related event sites used in the promotion and execution of the annual conference.

ACPE will contact sponsors to provide logos or materials as needed. ACPE reserves the right to re-size provided images, if necessary, while respecting Trademarked or Copyrighted detail of the company logo.

Sponsor-initiated Cancellations. If the Sponsor cancels a sponsorship, the following policy will govern refunds and future benefits:

  • Prior to July 1, 2021: Sponsors may cancel their sponsorship prior to July 1, 2021 and receive a full refund. The sponsor will lose their reserved spot for the following year.
  • Cancellations between July 1 and Dec. 1, 2021: Sponsors will receive a full refund less $2,000. The sponsor will lose their reserved spot for the following year.
  • Cancellations after December 1, 2021:. Sponsors may receive a refund of $2,000. The sponsor will lose their reserved spot for the following year

Force-Majeure Events Requiring Cancellation. Force-majeure events include, but are not limited to, acts of God, severe weather events, labor disputes, supply chain disruptions, and pandemics or epidemics. If the ACPE 2022 Annual Conference must be cancelled or postponed due to a force majeure event, the following cancellation policy will apply:

  • Prior to February 1, 2022: Sponsors may request a refund, except for $2,000. The sponsor will keep their reserved spot for the following year.
  • After February 1, 2022: Sponsor may request a refund, except for $2,000. The sponsor will lose their reserved spot for the following year.